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The fight against the SARS-COV-2 Virus

ICFOnians salute the dedicated clinicians, healthcare workers, scientists and everyone on the frontline in the fight against this virus

March 31, 2020

As a research center focused the creation of new knowledge and understanding of nature that aims to make a positive impact on society, ICFOnians have a deep respect for the scientific enterprise and for all of those whose work aims to contribute to the betterment of the world.

During these troubled times in which the healthcare and scientific communities are struggling to meet the needs of those effected by the SARS-COV-2 virus while sprinting around the clock to find new treatments, vaccines and equipment to protect against infection, and tools for reliable diagnosis, ICFOnians reiterate our support for the scientific enterprise. We express our heartfelt appreciation for all who are on the front line of efforts to end this pandemic and care for its victims.

ICFOnians will do our part towards containing this virus by staying home, collaborating online, and renewing our dedication to use our knowledge, creativity and resources for the betterment of society. Our contributions will be as varied as the research that takes place at our institute. We develop new tools to diagnose and monitor health, new techniques to visualize biological processes and thus better understand how they work, and new technologies that will advance the security of our networks, allowing us to collaborate and share information at a distance as we have seen is so important during this confinement. Other lines of research will give companies new industrial capabilities, make technologies more precise and efficient, or contribute to new understandings and basic knowledge that will have future applications we have yet to fathom.

Now more than ever, it is clear that science will be part of the solution to this current pandemic and to future challenges for society.