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QIPC members in lab tour
QIPC members in lab tour

QIPC 2007 visits ICFO

ICFO hosts the visit of the participants in the QIPC
2007-International Conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication.

October 23, 2007
The QIPC 2007-International Conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication visited ICFO during the 18th of October.

This meeting, co-organized by ICFO, is promoted by the coordination action project QUROPE in collaboration with the QIPC Proactive Initiative of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET - Proactive) part of the ICT Research Program of the European Commission.

The meeting, recently highlighted in Nature, was held from the 15th to the 19th of October, and aimed at covering all scientific activity in Quantum Information Science, with a clear inter-disciplinary approach. This ranges from theoretical aspects on Computer Science and Theoretical Physics to Experimental activity, as well as the connection between Quantum Information Science and other scientific fields, such as Quantum Optics or Condensed Matter. The target audience was any researcher interested in Quantum Information Science.

Apart from standards talks and posters, several events took place during the same week: an "Industrial Perspective Session" organized by Prof. Gisin, with the participation ok keynote speakers from industry, a “Strategy and planning of the FET QIPC Proactive Initiative” session, a series of plenary talks for a general audience by Profs. Glauber, Aspect and Cirac and a visit to ICFO.

The visit consisted in a welcome by ICFO director, Prof. Lluis Torner, followed by a lab tour organized by the ICFO-OSA Student Chapter.