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Dr. Xu during his thesis dissertation
Dr. Xu during his thesis dissertation

Physics in Spain, in Universia

Universia discusses the potential of physics research
in Spain.

November 30, 2007
Universia publishes an interview with ICFO's Director, where Prof. Torner contributes his views on research in physics in Span and the importance of science as the engine of the economy.

ICFO's Director describes the standing of Spain as compared with the United States and the rest of Europe in this field, stressing the importance of creating poles of talent. Quoting Prof. Torner's own words "Spain confronts the great challenge of placing some university and research centers among the world's elite. The institutions and countries that have confidence in their people's abilities decidedly pursue excellence at all levels. At the end of the day and in the core of the economy, the best regions of the planet will be those that are talent poles, in cutting-edge R+D too. The higher the number of poles, the better. Quality employment and job opportunities will be concentrated in them".
Prof. Lluis Torner
Thesis Committee