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Dr. Maymó during his thesis dissertation
Dr. Maymó during his thesis dissertation

Photonics in Cognos

The power of light: A journey through some of its key applications.

December 04, 2007
The magazine Informacions, published by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, devotes its section “Cognos” to photonics, the science and technology of light and its fascinating applications.

The article describes how light and the new tools provided by photonics make it increasingly easier for example, to detect cancer cells, to discover minute quantities of environmental contaminants or to determine the glucose level in the blood without punctures.

The article then continues to describe several core applications through the opinions of several experts in different fields of photonic technologies at the UPC and ICFO, thus analyzing the key role that photonics plays in medicine, space missions or in many precision devices on a scientific, technological and industrial level, within the branches of nanotechnology, optical microsystems and biochips as well as in territories that humanity never has explored before, such as the quantum frontier.
Thesis Committee