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February 4, 2013

ICFO Colloquium KLAUS SENGSTOCK 'Magnetism without Magnetism: New Trends in the Physics of ultracold Quantum Gases'

Monday, February 4, 2013, 12:00. ICFO’s Auditorium
The Institute of Laser Physics, Hamburg, GERMANY
Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices allow for the realization of condensed matter like systems as well as for fully new many-body quantum systems. Recent examples were studies on the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition, the BEC-BCS crossover and quantum information applications. Compared to electrons neutral atoms have no charge and typically a small magnetic dipole moment such that 'conventional' magnetic effects do not exist. In contrast it would be very stimulating to study model systems for high magnetic field physics like the famous Hofstadter butterfly physics. In this presentation I will address different regimes of 'magnetism without magnetism' in quantum gases, ranging from spin dependent interactions to the emulation of external virtual magnetic fields acting on the atoms which allow us to study fundamental magnetic model systems.

Monday, February 4, 2012, 12:00. ICFO’s Auditorium

Hosted by Prof. Maciej Lewenstein
February 4, 2013

ICFO Colloquium KLAUS SENGSTOCK 'Magnetism without Magnetism: New Trends in the Physics of ultracold Quantum Gases'

Monday, February 4, 2013, 12:00. ICFO’s Auditorium
The Institute of Laser Physics, Hamburg, GERMANY
Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices allow for the realization of condensed matter like systems as well as for fully new many-body quantum systems. Recent examples were studies on the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition, the BEC-BCS crossover and quantum information applications. Compared to electrons neutral atoms have no charge and typically a small magnetic dipole moment such that 'conventional' magnetic effects do not exist. In contrast it would be very stimulating to study model systems for high magnetic field physics like the famous Hofstadter butterfly physics. In this presentation I will address different regimes of 'magnetism without magnetism' in quantum gases, ranging from spin dependent interactions to the emulation of external virtual magnetic fields acting on the atoms which allow us to study fundamental magnetic model systems.

Monday, February 4, 2012, 12:00. ICFO’s Auditorium

Hosted by Prof. Maciej Lewenstein

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