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Hour: From 17:00h to 17:30h

Place: ICFO Auditorium

Quantum simulation frontier: The case of correlated topological matter, with Fabian Grusdt (LMU)


Quantum simulations have been theoretically identified as potential game-changers in the study of correlated quantum many-body systems. And while the recent experimental progress has been stunning, it remains fair to ask how far the field has come to this day in its quest to quantum simulate generic correlated many-body systems. In this talk I will present the state-of-affairs in a subfield that has long been at the focus of interest to quantum simulators, namely the realization of interacting states with topological order. I will provide an overview of the tasks at hand, of current and previous experiments, and future directions this field may take. This includes rotating traps of ultracold atoms, optical lattices loaded by atoms subject to synthetic gauge fields and (non-) emergent spin liquids in Rydberg tweezer arrays.


Fabian Grusdt is Professor at LMU Munich since 2021, where is research focuses on quantum simulations of strongly correlated quantum matter, unconventional superconductivity and lattice gauge theories. He received his PhD from the TU Kaiserslautern in 2015, after which he joined Harvard’s physics department as a Moore Postdoctoral Fellow. Following a short postdoc at TU Munich, he started his research group with a Start fellowship awarded by Munich’s Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), where he received an ERC Starting grant in 2020.

Hour: From 17:00h to 17:30h

Place: ICFO Auditorium

Quantum simulation frontier: The case of correlated topological matter, with Fabian Grusdt (LMU)


Quantum simulations have been theoretically identified as potential game-changers in the study of correlated quantum many-body systems. And while the recent experimental progress has been stunning, it remains fair to ask how far the field has come to this day in its quest to quantum simulate generic correlated many-body systems. In this talk I will present the state-of-affairs in a subfield that has long been at the focus of interest to quantum simulators, namely the realization of interacting states with topological order. I will provide an overview of the tasks at hand, of current and previous experiments, and future directions this field may take. This includes rotating traps of ultracold atoms, optical lattices loaded by atoms subject to synthetic gauge fields and (non-) emergent spin liquids in Rydberg tweezer arrays.


Fabian Grusdt is Professor at LMU Munich since 2021, where is research focuses on quantum simulations of strongly correlated quantum matter, unconventional superconductivity and lattice gauge theories. He received his PhD from the TU Kaiserslautern in 2015, after which he joined Harvard’s physics department as a Moore Postdoctoral Fellow. Following a short postdoc at TU Munich, he started his research group with a Start fellowship awarded by Munich’s Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), where he received an ERC Starting grant in 2020.