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Group research interests

Physics of photon migration in live tissues

Migration of photons in tissues & dynamic light scattering

We study the migration of photons through tissues to utilize in physical models that are used to develop new biomedical instruments.

One area of particular interest for us is the statistics of laser speckles of diffuse light.

We also develop advanced inverse algorithms for data analysis and tomographic reconstruction.


  • Dr Arjun Yodh, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • Dr Anabela Da Silva, Institut Fresnel, CNRS; UMR 7249, Aix-Marseille Université, Ecole Centrale Marseille, Campus de St Jérôme
  • Dr Joseph Culver, Washington University School of Medicine Department of Radiology, St Louis, USA
  • Dr Efrain Solarte, U. Valle, Cali, Colombia