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Probing light propagation at nanostructures

Nanofocussing in a plasmonic lens
Nanofocusing of light might in metallic nanoantenna structures is addressed by heterodyning near field probing, mapping both local field and phase development.
Efficient nanofocusing of light might be achieved through metallic nanoantenna structures, such as nanoparticle arrays, slot waveguides or tapered plasmonic waveguides. To address the flow and confinement of light in such structures we probe locally the optical field and its phase development with our heterodyning near field microscope. The detailed nanometric field amplitude and phase maps allow retrieving all spatial frequencies and map out the dispersion. Moreover, we can disentangle all propagating and evanescent waves, and point out any sub-wavelength field confinement.


  • ICREA - Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats
  • ERC – European Research Council, Advanced Grant ERC247330 - NanoAntennas CELLEX Barcelona foundation
  • MICINN – Consolider Ingenio-2010: CSD2007-046 -
  • MICINN – PlanNacional FIS2009-0123: Optical NanoAntennas
  • MINECO – PlanNacional FIS2012: Quantum Coherence for Energy Efficiency