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Inauguration of Nest Building

ICFOnians and special guests inaugurate the Cellex-NEST Building.

June 19, 2012
In 2010, CELLEX Foundation Barcelona agreed to finance an ambitious building and research project at ICFO called NEST. The 4000 square meter building which completes the ICFO facility contains unique formal and informal meeting areas, laboratories, and highly functional work areas. It is the home to the NEST Project which, when fully manned, will involve around fifty researchers, group leaders, post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and technicians.

To celebrate the momentous inauguration of the NEST building, propitiously taking place during ICFO’s 10th Anniversary, ICFO welcomed Dr. Charles Vest, President Emeritus of MIT and President of the US Academy of Engineers. Dr. Vest’s special colloquia offered important reflections on the important role of science and learning institutions in society. His address was followed by closing words from Prof. Andreu Mas-Colell, Minister of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and President of ICFO.

ICFO is grateful for the support of CELLEX Foundation Barcelona and for the opportunities for research excellence that this support affords.