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SLN - Team Loza

Dr. Pablo Loza-Alvarez
Calls Open


We conduct research in bioimaging by developing cutting-edge advanced microscopy imaging techniques. We are interested in interdisciplinary research between photonics and biology.

We conduct research and development at the cutting-edge of several microscopy and super resolution imaging techniques. Research activities include beam engineering, wavefront control and integration of novel light sources with different beam or pulse parameters. In addition, we study novel (endogenous and exogenous) contrast agents to be applied to a wide variety of biomedical samples and imaging regimes. We also design novel algorithms for image quantification and analysis. They allow for a better resolutions, higher contrast, faster imaging speeds, larger penetration depths, aberration free images etc. At the same time, care is taken to make these techniques gentler with the sample by producing less photodamage or phototoxic effects and thus maximizing sample viability over longer observation periods. These have been used for a wide variety of applications ranging from in vivo imaging of large model organisms to sub cellular components. Additionally, we develop novel algorithms and data analysis pipelines to quantify the images obtained with our cutting-edge microscopes.


  • E. U Rafailv, Aston University, UK
  • J. Soriano, UB, Spain
  • V. Ruprecht, CRG, SPAIN
  • J. A. Garrido, ICN2, Spain
  • M. Chmeissani, IFAE, Spain
  • C. Lorenzo, CNRS, France
  • Omar Palillero, UAEM, Mexico
  • Omar Olarte, UNAL, Colombia
  • Ramón Gonzales, UAEM, México
  • Jacob Licea, CICESE, México
  • Anna Duarri, VHIR, Spain
  • Gonzalo Merino, PIC, Spain
  • Pau Gorostiza, IBEC, Spain
  • Bru Cormand, UB, Spain
  • Xavier Sorribas, UPC, Spain
  • Pedro Fernandez, IGTP, Spain
  • Gemma Fuster, U. VIC, Spain
  • Josep Dalmau, H. CLINIC, Spain 



  • Training network for Next generation cellular Screening (NEXT SCREEN, Doctoral Networks, HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01-01) [2023]
  • Data-intensive bioimage analysis for advancing retinal degenerative diseases therapies (Digital Retina, PID2021-122807OB-C31). Visualization and Analysis of Retina neural connectivity with high spatiotemporal resolution. [2022]
  • SLN intelligent datasets management. Red Española de SuperComputación. [2021]
  • A multiplexed biomimetic imaging platform for assessing single cell plasticity (Plastomics) and scoring of tumour malignancy (PLAST_CELL). HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDEROPEN-01-01. [2022]
  • Advanced Multimodal Photonics Laser Imaging Tool for Urothelial Diagnosis in Endoscopy  (Amplitude, 871277). H2020-ICT-2018-20/H2020-ICT-2019-2. [2020]
  • Adaptive Retinal Implant Technology for Vision Restoration (iVISION). Fundació “La Caixa”. [2019]



  • Perfils moleculars i microespectroscòpics integrals de carcinomes de mama i la seva resistència al tractament neoadjuvant. TV3 Foundation’s La Marató. [2020]
  • Module for Aberration Correction and Fast Volumetric Imaging in a Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope (MAFIn) EU. FET Innovation Launchpad (H2020-FETOPEN-03-2018-2020). [2020]
  • Engineered models of intestinal epithelial tissue: assessing in vivo-like functional properties (ENGUT). Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST). [2018]
  • Towards the implementation of a multi-electrode array for retinal prosthesis II (THEIA II). Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST). [2018]
  • Multi-modal, multi-scale retinal imaging (Merlin 780989). EU, H2020-ICT-2017-1, Innovative Actions (IA). [2018]
  • LOW Coherent White Lasers Ready for MICroscopy II (P2017 -10). ACTPHAST (EU). [2017]
  • Visualización volumétrica rápida de las dinámicas de calcio para el estudio de comunicación neuronal en 3D (3D-VIDy-neuron). Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FIS2016-80455-R). [2016]
  • Custom architecturally defined 3D stem cell derived functional human neural networks for transformative progress in neuroscience and medicine (MESOBRAIN). Future and Emerging Technologies (H2020-FET OPEN-2014-2015-RIA). [2016]
  • Training European Experts in Multilevel Bioimaging, Analysis and Modelling of Vertebrate Development and Disease (ImageInLife). Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016). [2016]
  • Molecular imaging of the retina in patients with Multiple Sclerosis by Raman Spectroscopy (20142030). TV3 Foundation’s La Marató. [2015]
  • Dissecting protein trafficking in retinal neurodegeneration by super-resolution imaging on animal models and human iPSCs (20141730). TV3 Foundation’s La Marató. [2015]
  • Raman – based applications for clinical diagnostics (Raman4clinics). EU: European cooperation in Science and Technology, BMBS COST Action BM1401. [2014]
  • Estudio de las alteraciones de funciones celulares ligadas a cambios en Ubicuitilación y SUMOlación inducidos por oncogenes virales (Ub/SUMO). CONACYT (MX) SRE 2016-1. [2019]
  • Evaluación in vivo de una matriz de electrodos de grafeno para prótesis retinianas (GraphRetina). [2018]
  • Preservation of microorganisms by understanding the protective mechanisms of oligosaccharides (PREMIUM). Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017). [2018]


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