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Maria Yzuel Fellowship Awards

ICFO aims to strongly support and encourage women’s participation in science through the María Yzuel Fellowship Awards, which offer outstanding students the possibility to explore science by accomplishing a final degree project / masters’ thesis, or research project.

These competitive and prestigious awards seek to attract, retain and promote talented women towards future research careers in the photonic sciences and related areas.

The Fellowship program is the flagship of the SPIE@ICFO Chair for Diversity in the Photonic Sciences, and is named in honor of former SPIE president Prof. Dr. María Josefa Yzuel Giménez, a respected leader and role model in the international Optics community. She is also a longstanding advocate for the promotion of the role of women in science and an active member of the Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas (AMIT-Association of Women Researchers and Technologists).

Maria Yzuel Fellowship
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Maria Yzuel Fellowship Awardees

Daniela Lopez

MSc student in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (MX)

Gonzalez Sorribes

MSc student in Photonics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ES)

Morales Gutiérrez

MSc student in Physics, University of Costa Rica (CR)

Polo Rodriguez

MSc student in Photonics, Universitat Poltècnica de Catalunya (ES)


MSc student in Quantum Science and Technology, Universitat de Barcelona (ES)