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Prof. Jan Wehr
Prof. Jan Wehr

ICFO welcomes New Members

One visiting professor, one postdoctoral researcher, one visiting scientist, one PhD student, two undergraduate students and one Electronic Workshop technician have joined ICFO.

June 03, 2008
One visiting professor, Prof. Jan Wehr; one postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Pavan Kumar; one visiting scientist, Dr. André Eckardt; one PhD student, Mr. Ulrich Ebling; two undergraduate students, Mr. Mathieu Alloing and Ms. Nolwenn Nano-Ascione; and one Electronic Workshop technician, Mr. Òscar Casellas, have joined ICFO.

Prof. Jan Wehr comes back to ICFO, financed this time by an NSF grant. He will continue to collaborate with the groups on disordered systems and quantum percolation led by Professors Lewenstein and Acín. During his stay he will give 4 lectures on these subjects.

Dr. Pavan Kumar will reinforce ICFO research on nanoantennas with Prof. Niek van Hulst’s group, focusing on stand alone antenna designs for nanoscale microscopy in biological applications. The research is part of the EU-NEST project, “BioLightTouch”, aimed at bio-functionalized nano-antenna imaging on cell membranes of immune systems, in collaboration with the IBEC-Barcelona, the company Agilent, the University of Linz in Austria and NCMLS - Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences in the Netherlands.

Dr. André Eckardt is joining Prof. Maciej Lewenstein's group as a Feodor Lynen Scholar (financed by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation). He will work on quantum control in ultracold Bose gases and on various aspects of Fermi gases. He will be co-financed by the Euroquam FerMix Project.

Mr. Ulrich Elbing is a new PhD student in Prof. Maciej Lewenstein's group. He has done his Diploma work with Luis Santos in Hannover and will work together with André Eckardt on Fermi gases.

Mr. Mathieu Alloing will spend 3 months with the research team as an undergraduate visiting student with Prof. Jürgen Eschner’s group. He will work specifically on the interaction between single trapped ions and single photons from a twin-photon source.

Ms. Nolwenn Nano-Ascione will work together with Dominique Heinis in Prof. Niek van Hulst’s group on the local probing of the propagation of plasmonic waves on nanostructured surfaces, using heterodyne photon STM.

Mr. Òscar Casellas will give technical support to the research team in the design and fabrication of electronics for laboratories. Apart from general electronics and opto-electronics, he will be particularly dedicated to the computer-based control of the experiments.
Dr. Pavan Kumar
Dr. Eckardt
Mr. Ebling
Mr. Mathieu Alloing and Ms. Nolwenn Nano-Ascione
Mr. Òscar Casellas