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El Dr. R. Quidant muestra el laboratorio de nanofotónica
El Dr. R. Quidant muestra el laboratorio de nanofotónica

OLE Magazine es fa ressó d'una nova tècnica en polsos ultracurts experimentada per investigadors de l'ICFO

Aquest és un projecte de recerca del grup de Pablo Loza

March 05, 2004

The Optics&Laser Europe Magazine has echoed about the results of a research carried out by ICFO scientists in the area of Biophotonics and Nonlinear Optics. The research is focused on the use of starch as an ideal medium for characterizing ultrashort pulses, hence overcoming the limitations in obtaining information provided by traditional techniques. This innovative method can lead the scientists to optimize pulses for nonlinear microscopy and procure a significant advance in life science where imaging living cells requires the minimum amount of light to avoid photodamage.
El Dr. P. Loza en el laboratorio de microscopia no lineal