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Nou ICFOnians

Vint-i-cinc ICFOnians s’han unit als diferents grups de recerca, unitats i instal·lacions de l'ICFO durant el mes de febrer.

March 05, 2024

En els anys des de la fundació de l'ICFO el 2002, l'institut ha evolucionat contínuament per abordar una àmplia gamma de reptes apassionants. Això ha estat possible gràcies a les contribucions d'un grup divers de dones i homes que han pujat a bord per a afegir les seves habilitats úniques als nous i actuals projectes de l’ICFO.

Al febrer, nous ICFOnians es van incorporar a l'institut o van prendre una nova posició.

Dr. David Alcaráz takes a new position at ICFO as a Staff Researcher in the Quantum Nano-Optoelectronics research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Frank Koppens.


Dr. Jennifer Aldama takes a new position at ICFO as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Optoelectronics research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Valerio Pruneri.


Erik Altelarrea Ferré joins ICFO as a Student in the Quantum Information Theory research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Antonio Acín.


Dr. Fernando Ardana joins ICFO as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Jens Biegert.  (not pictured)


Dr. Javier Argüello takes a new position at ICFO as Visiting Scientist in the Quantum Optics Theory research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Maciej Lewenstein.


Dr. Berislav Buca joins ICFO as a Visiting Scientist in the Quantum Optics Theory research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Maciej Lewenstein.  (not pictured)


Júlia Cajas Granja joins ICFO as an internship student in Management.  (not pictured)


Dr. Frederic Català takes a new position at ICFO as a Visiting Scientist in the Neurophotonics and Mechanical Systems Biology research group led by Prof Dr Michael Krieg.


Antariksha Das joins ICFO as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Quantum Photonics with Solids and Atoms research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Hugues de Riedmatten.


Marco Leonardo Dicosta joins ICFO as a student in the Quantum NanoElectronics and NanoMechanics research group led by Prof Dr Adrian Bachtold.


Javier Fernández Cano joins ICFO as a student in the Optoelectronics research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Valerio Pruneri.


Sanaz Foroughi joins ICFO as a PhD student in the Optical Parametric Oscillators research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh.


Evgenia Klironomou joins ICFO as a student in the Thermal Photonics research group led by Prof Dr Georgia Papadakis.


Dr. Julien Legendre joins ICFO as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Thermal Photonics research group led by Prof Dr Georgia Papadakis.


Nikhita Mule joins ICFO as a Visiting PhD student in the Medical Optics research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Turgut Durduran.  (not pictured)


Matias Nicolas Viner joins ICFO as a Student in the Quantum Information Theory research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Antonio Acín.  (not pictured)


Dr. Silvania Pereira joins ICFO as a Visiting Scientist in the Quantum Engineering of Light research group led by Prof Juan P. Torres.  (not pictured)


Ignacio Pérez joins ICFO as a PhD Student in the Ultracold Quantum Gases research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Leticia Tarruell.


Fernando Sánchez Avilés joins ICFO as a student in the Quantum Engineering of Light research group led by Prof Dr Juan P. Torres.


Laia Serradesanferm joins ICFO’s Science Communication unit as a Science Writer.


Giulia Sionis Ponte joins ICFO as a student in the Quantum Photonics with Solids and Atoms research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Hugues de Riedmatten.  (not pictured)


Martina Smacchia joins ICFO as a PhD student in the Organic Nanostructured Photovoltaics research group led by Prof Dr. Jordi Martorell.


Irena Stolic joins ICFO as a student in the Nonlinear Optical Phenomena research group led by Prof Dr Lluís Torner.


Santiago Tabares joins ICFO as a PhD student in the Atomic Quantum Optics research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Morgan Mitchell.


Dr. Kaiwen Wang joins ICFO as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the CO2 Mitigation Accelerated by Photons research group led by Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo García de Arquer.


David Alcaraz, Jennifer Aldama
Erik Altelarrea Ferré, Javier Argüello
Frederic Català, Antariksha Das
Julien Legendre, Ignacio Pérez
Laia Serradesanferm, Irena Stolic
Marco Leonardo Dico, Javier Fernández Cano
Sanaz Foroughi, Evgenia Klironomou
Santiago Tabares, Kaiwen Wang