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19 d’abril 2024
SEMINAR: Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories - exploring fundamental physics in the era of quantum information

Hora: Des de 10:00h a 11:00h

Lloc: Seminar Room and online (Zoom)

SEMINAR: Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories - exploring fundamental physics in the era of quantum information

University of Innsbruck

Gauge theories are ubiquitous in fundamental physics with applications ranging from high-energy particle physics over emergent phenomena in condensed matter to quantum information science and technology. Since several regimes of interest have remained inaccessible to classical simulations, they constitute an ideal target for quantum simulations. In this talk, I will present recent progress towards the quantum simulation of non-abelian lattice gauge theories (LGTs) and discuss how to tackle outstanding open problems. After reviewing the current state-of-the-art, I will highlight key challenges that are unique to LGTs. Our proposed solutions require both hardware and software to be tailored to the requirements of LGTs. This includes the theoretical development of qudit and fermion architectures, as well as digital algorithms based on a q-deformed formulation of LGTs.

Based on:

[1] González-Cuadra et al., PRL 129, 160501 (2022)

[2] González-Cuadra et al., PNAS 120, e2304294120 (2023)

[3] Zache et al., Quantum 7, 1140 (2023)

[4] Zache et al., PRL 131, 171902 (2023)


Meeting ID: 880 1922 5193

Passcode: 27687

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Maciej Lewenstein
19 d’abril 2024
SEMINAR: Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories - exploring fundamental physics in the era of quantum information

Hora: Des de 10:00h a 11:00h

Lloc: Seminar Room and online (Zoom)

SEMINAR: Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories - exploring fundamental physics in the era of quantum information

University of Innsbruck

Gauge theories are ubiquitous in fundamental physics with applications ranging from high-energy particle physics over emergent phenomena in condensed matter to quantum information science and technology. Since several regimes of interest have remained inaccessible to classical simulations, they constitute an ideal target for quantum simulations. In this talk, I will present recent progress towards the quantum simulation of non-abelian lattice gauge theories (LGTs) and discuss how to tackle outstanding open problems. After reviewing the current state-of-the-art, I will highlight key challenges that are unique to LGTs. Our proposed solutions require both hardware and software to be tailored to the requirements of LGTs. This includes the theoretical development of qudit and fermion architectures, as well as digital algorithms based on a q-deformed formulation of LGTs.

Based on:

[1] González-Cuadra et al., PRL 129, 160501 (2022)

[2] González-Cuadra et al., PNAS 120, e2304294120 (2023)

[3] Zache et al., Quantum 7, 1140 (2023)

[4] Zache et al., PRL 131, 171902 (2023)


Meeting ID: 880 1922 5193

Passcode: 27687

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Maciej Lewenstein